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New release - Darwin Collection Gin: Americas Herbarium

"The opportunity to express some part of this voyage through the medium of flavour is a career highlight for me – a truly humbling one, at that”.


In this remarkable collaboration with Cambridge University Botanic Garden, we delve into the rich legacy of botanical exploration while highlighting Cambridge Distillery’s pioneering approach in the world of luxury gin.

This partnership pays tribute to Charles Darwin's insatiable curiosity and the spirit of adventure that marked his iconic journey aboard the HMS Beagle. The creation of Darwin Collection Gin: Americas Herbarium serves as a testament to Darwin's profound impact, capturing the essence of his groundbreaking work in a luxurious spirit. Carefully curated from meticulously sourced botanicals, this blend traces its origins back to the historical depths of the Cambridge University Herbarium, where Darwin's original specimens found a sanctuary.

Through the expertise of our team and under the guidance of the esteemed curator, Professor Sam Brockington, an exquisite blend emerged. Juniper, cinnamon leaf, barberry, wild strawberry, and baccharis magellanica were expertly paired with equivalent specimens from the renowned Cambridge University Botanic Garden, designed by Darwin's mentor, John Stevens Henslow. This harmonious symphony vividly represents the vibrant tapestry of Darwin's South American expedition.

In this partnership, we celebrate history, curiosity, and the artistry of botanical craftsmanship, creating a gin that embodies the essence of Darwin's enduring legacy and the natural wonders he discovered.

Master Distiller and Co-Founder of Cambridge Distillery, William Lowe MW:

“Viewing Darwin’s hand-collected samples was a moment I will never forget. Seeing the field notes and annotations, the tears on the stems where they'd been snapped from the plants, and knowing the impact that the thoughts forming at the time would go on to have in the world is hard to comprehend. The opportunity to express some part of this voyage through the medium of flavour is a career highlight for me – a truly humbling one, at that”.

This limited-edition gin makes a very special gift and a wonderful addition to any connoisseur's collection.

Americas Herbarium is on our website now